Random Glimpses

After a long time away. What and why?

Sunday, March 21st. 2021
Wet clothes drying on a wallView the rest of the images...

Not Taking This Seriously

In a way we both were playing. To my way of thinking that is one of the key elements of creating art.

Saturday, November 24th. 2018

Intense eyes staring into the cameraView the rest of the images...


The insight a Portrait can reveal.

Sunday, September 6th, 2015
Old woman with a big smileView the rest of the images...

The Story In The Eyes

The story told by the eyes.

Sunday, August 2nd, 2015
Intense eyes looking at the cameraView the rest of the images...

The Story In A Face 1

The Story In A Face #1

Sunday, November 16th, 2014
A young man's face framed in a cartView the rest of the images...

Watching Me Looking At Them

Watching Me Looking At Them
The surveillance that is always keeping an eye on me.

Monday, April 14, 2014
A lizzard's head in blue skyView the rest of the images...

Universal Language

Universal Language.
Spoken in any country it is understood by everyone.
Tuesday, November 12 2013
Worker carrying a load with a big smileView the rest of the images...


Looking in. An observation about insight.
Friday, June 14, 2013

A womans eys looking to the rightView the rest of the images...

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