
It has been a few weeks since I had any free time to post an entry into my image blog.

As I was contemplating what images to post I got lost. Or rather I was seduced. I was looking at various themes and somehow kept being pulled by these few images. At first I did not realize why, or even that I was being captivated by them. These images kept coming to the top of the pile.

Then it hit me.... Of course, colours!

Not industrial institutionalized colour, carefully crafted and audience tested to elicit a specific reaction. Playful capricious colours. Colours of whimsy and passion. Joyous raucous colours that exist for their own sake. Colours faded by time or fresh and bold. I particularly am fascinated by how nature and weather collaborate with these colours to create new and ever-evolving palettes. I also love how chance plays a role in what colours are brought together, often with comical or sublime results. From the subtle to the extreme, these types of colours pull me into one image over another, one subject more so than another.

So this image blog post is a few of those images that somehow just had to be posted.

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“It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block.”
― Paul Gauguin

“I loved the idea of seeing the world through a boy's eyes.”
― Martin Scorsese

“Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”
― Claude Monet

“Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it?”
― Pablo Picasso

“Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty?”
― Paul Gauguin

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”
― Albert Einstein

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
― Jonathan Swift

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso

“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”
― Pablo Picasso

“I am following Nature without being able to grasp her, I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”
― Claude Monet

“I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.”
― Vincent Van Gogh

“Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival.”
― Aung San Suu Kyi

“Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder.”
― Thomas Aquinas

“A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who doesn't play has lost forever the child who lived in him and who he will miss terribly.”
― Pablo Neruda

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
― Pablo Picasso

“Wisdom begins in wonder.”
― Socrates

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
― Pablo Picasso

“Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
― Pablo Picasso

“People discuss my art and pretend to understand as if it were necessary to understand, when it's simply necessary to love.”
― Claude Monet

“What is art but a way of seeing?”
― Saul Bellow

I look forward to seeing you out there.

Julian Ray

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If you like what you see. Don’t like what you see. Want to offer a critique. Have a story or an image (or more) on the same subject that you would like to share, please do. I would enjoy hearing form you.


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